Our overall goal is to understand their perceptions about research, clinical trials, and obstacles, facilitators and priorities regarding participation in clinical trials by conducting focus groups with older Hispanics of Mexican origin. Their voice, concerns, desired outcomes, perceived incentives and barriers to participation are key to increasing their representation in the evaluation of new medical therapies. FDA 1U01FD007777 Aug 16, 2022 - Role: Principal Investigator Description: Participation of older adults self-described as Hispanic/Latino are amongst the lowest in clinical trials, yet Hispanic/Latinos compose rapidly growing segments of the U.S. LatinX/HIspanic Attitudes and Perspectives on Investigations and Studies- of New Drugs: LAPIS-ND. I recently completed a ORISE visiting Professorship in the Office of Clinical Pharmacology at the FDA to stimulate initiatives to improve the drug evaluation and monitoring process for older adults and incorporate patient-centered outcomes into the drug evaluation process. My current work focuses on improving medication use in the very oldest people, in optimizing outcomes in older people receiving polypharmacy, and the translation and optimization of new therapeutic agents such as anticoagulants during clinical use to benefit the very oldest and frailest patients. I have studied models of aging from in vitro models of cardiac changes with aging to physiologic and pharmacokinetic investigations of healthy humans to population studies of community dwelling elderly, and frail elderly adults. My research goal has been to elucidate age-related and sex-related differences in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in order to improve medication therapy for older adults. I graduated from Tulane Medical School, am a board-certified internist and cardiologist with significant experience in clinical pharmacology and geriatric medicine.